Monday, January 7, 2008


We have been neglecting this blog!
Poor baby.

Anyhoo... I would like to take a moment to sing the praises of Fabreze Air Effects!

We have a new dog who occasionally leaves stinky presents around the house for us. He stunk up our TV room so bad that we had to leave the window open overnight in 10 degree weather. We swept, vacuumed, scrubbed and mopped and the next day, I still almost fell over when I opened the door.

I picked up the Fabreze Air Effects from Target with pretty low expectations. I knew I just needed "something" to distract my nose from that awful smell.

When I got home, I sprayed a bit in the TV room. I noticed right away that it was getting better. Then, I went about my business for a few hours. To my surprise and delight, when I went back up there, I still smelled Lavender Vanilla! No poop!

I am pleased to say that three days later, the odor has not come back to haunt me as I was so certain it would! I think this stuff is magical.


bev said...

OMG! i have been an air effects fan since they were born. i use them all the time in any litterbox related area. i 1000000% agree on this one!!!

wicked smahrt.

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